Sunday, 4 May 2014

Antigoddess (Goddess War, #1)Antigoddess by Kendare Blake

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

30th April 2014

That ending kicked me right in the feels..

supernatural photo: Supernatural. Super40.gif

But i mean what the fucking hell!? Not amused and sooooo not happy! I was going to write a proper review but i'm far too pissed now..

pissed off photo:  tumblr_liyeat3jD11qzjggvo1_500.gif

4th May 2014

Okay so Iv'e nursed my little snit and after considering it, I think I'm over it.. even if I'm not there are a few things I wanted to say about this book. I really wanted it to be amazing, I'm a lover of Greek mythology and love peoples retelling's.After seeing some reviews my hopes were dashed and came crashing to the ground, so i put it off again and again. It would catch my eye on my book shelf and indecision would strike! But i finally picked it up and can honestly say i have no regrets. No it wasn't quite as amazing as I'd hope it would be, but it was really rather good!

I just love Kendare's writing style, it just flows off the page and with such ease it's addictive and moreish. She creates some pretty cool characters and some rather gruesome scenes! To start with this book switched between the POV's of Athena and Hermes to Apollo/ Aiden and Cassandra, the two pairs are in totally separate locations and don't actually meet until a lot later on in the book.

Since humans stopped believing and worshiping the mighty Gods of Olympus and Olympus was destroyed crashing into the sea the gods aren't all that powerful anymore to make and to make matters worse? Their dying and slowly. Athena has feathers sprouting up inside her body cutting through her organs slowly killing her, Herme's body is eating it's self from the inside. So their little duo is on the hunt to find out what is happening? Why are all the gods dying? Cassandra is a psychic she has visions of the future and soon those visions become in tuned to the deaths of the Gods, seeing how the curse is taking it's toll on them. Her boyfriend Aiden/Apollo has loved Cassandra for a very long time and will do anything in his power to protect her.

This book really created an array of feelings. When Athena (who is abit of a badadss) and Cassandra finally meet and (view spoiler) I didn't know what to feel after liking Athena for most of the book i really didn't know who's side to be on! And after the ending (view spoiler) I really don't know where this story's going to lead but i'm rather interested to find out!

Honestly i felt this entire book was just a set up for the rest of the series, the premise shall we say? But what ever it was rather enjoyable and i liked it.

View all my reviews

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